My Tasks / Team Tasks

Shows a list of all of the tasks assigned to you or your team.

Figure: My Tasks screen

My Tasks screen

Video: Configure the Out-of-the-Box Mobile App


Good to Know

  • If the form is submitted in offline mode, you can able to change the submitted form at any number of times before the mobile app submits the form to AgilePoint Server.

    To change a submitted form, you must download it from the My Tasks screen.

    This feature requires:

How to Start

  1. Tap the Sidebar Menu (Sidebar Menu icon).
  2. On the sidebar menu, tap My Tasks (My Tasks icon) or Team Tasks (Team Tasks icon).


Field NameDefinition

Download (Download icon)

Downloads the offline mobile eForm to your mobile device.


Specifies how to sort the task list.
Accepted Values:
  • Due Date - Sorts the tasks by due date, with the soonest due date first.
  • Priority (Priority icon) - Sorts the tasks from highest to lowest priority.
  • Most Recent - Sorts the tasks by most recently started.
Default Value:
Priority (Priority icon)

All Tasks (All Tasks icon)

Shows a list of all your tasks and team tasks.

Task Pool (Task Pool icon)


Displays all the unassigned tasks in a pool.

Assigned Tasks (Assigned Tasks icon)

Shows only the tasks assigned to the specified user.

Overdue Tasks (Overdue Tasks icon)

Shows the tasks that are due, but are not complete.

Multiple Tasks (Multiple Tasks icon)

Displays multiple tasks in the task list.

Sidebar Menu (Sidebar Menu icon)

Opens this Screen:
Sidebar Menu
Function of this Screen:
Displays the menu options on AgilePoint Mobile Dashboard app.