Outbox screen

Shows a list of eForms and tasks that have been submitted in offline mode. These forms are synchronized with the AgilePoint NX system once the mobile app is online.

Figure: Outbox screen

Outbox screen


Good to Know

  • If the form is submitted in offline mode, you can able to change the submitted form at any number of times before the mobile app submits the form to AgilePoint Server.

    To change a submitted form, you must download it from the My Tasks screen.

    This feature requires:

How to Start

  1. Tap the Sidebar Menu (Sidebar Menu icon).
  2. On the sidebar menu, tap Outbox.


Field NameDefinition

Manual Sync

Specifies that it is necessary to tap the forms to synchronize with the AgilePoint NX system.

Clear Completed

Deletes the synchronized forms from the Outbox screen list.

Synchronization Complete (Synchronization Complete icon)

Shows the synchronization is completed successfully.