My Tasks screen (Mobile App)

Lets you view and manage the tasks that are assigned to you in the AgilePoint NX Mobile App.

Figure: My Tasks screen

My Tasks screen

Background and Setup


Good to Know

How to Start

  1. On the Home screen, tap My Tasks.

    Tap My Tasks


Field NameDefinition

Task Name

Shows the name of the task.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Process Instance Name

Shows the process instance name.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the date or the number of days or hours the task was assigned to the participant.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Shows the date the task is due to be completed or the number of days or hours the task is not completed from the time it is configured to complete.
Allowed Values:
Read only.

Quick Filters

Specifies the type of tasks to show on the My Tasks screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, tap Sort (Sort).
  2. Tap the Filter Tasks tab.
Allowed Values:
  • Overdue - Shows the tasks that are Overdue on the My Tasks screen.
  • High Priority - Shows the tasks that are high priority on the My Tasks screen.
  • Due Today - Shows the tasks that are due for the present day on the My Tasks screen.
  • Pool Tasks - Shows the tasks that are assigned to a participant pool on the My Tasks screen.

Other Filters

Specifies the criteria to filter the tasks to show on the My Tasks screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, tap Sort (Sort).
  2. Tap the Filter Tasks tab.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string) with a value or partial value for the task.
Default Value:

Sort Tasks

Specifies how to sort the tasks on the My Tasks screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, tap Sort (Sort).
  2. Tap the Sort Tasks tab.
Allowed Values:
  • Priority - Sorts the tasks from highest to lowest priority.
  • Task Name - Sorts the tasks by task name.
  • App Name - Sorts the tasks by app name.
  • Due Date - Sorts the tasks by due date, with the nearest due date first.

Group Tasks

Specifies how to group the tasks on the My Tasks screen.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, tap Sort (Sort).
  2. Tap the Group Tasks tab.
Allowed Values:
  • Priority - Groups the tasks based on importance.
  • Task Name - Groups the tasks based on the task names.
  • App Name - Groups the tasks based on the app names.
  • Due Date - Groups the tasks based on the due dates.

Download Download icon

Downloads the offline mobile eForm to your mobile device.
View Process View Process icon
Opens the Process Viewer that shows the current status of the process.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.

Cancel Process Cancel Process icon

Cancels the selected processes, or the processes associated with the selected tasks.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.

Reassign Task

Assigns the task to the specified user.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.
  2. Click Ellipses (...).

Add To Watchlist

Adds a selected process to your watchlist.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.
  2. Click Ellipses (...).

Add To Planner

Adds the selected tasks to a planner.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.
  2. Click Ellipses (...).

eForm Report View

Shows an eForm you specify with the current data from the process instance.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the My Tasks screen, swipe left on the task.
  2. Click Ellipses (...).

menu icon Sidebar Menu icon

Opens this Screen:
Sidebar Menu (Mobile App)
Shows the main menu for the AgilePoint NX Mobile App.