eForm Builder screen (Settings)

Configures the settings for eForm Builder.

Figure: eForm Builder screen

eForm Builder screen


How to Start

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click App Builder > eForm Builder.

    Form Designer


Field NameDefinition


Specifies whether the configuration screen opens for a form control when an app designer drags the control onto an eForm.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The configuration screen opens when an app designer drags a control onto an eForm.
  • Off - Dragging a control onto an eForm does not open the configuration screen.
Default Value:


Specifies whether the configuration screen for a form control opens when an app designer double-clicks the control in eForm Builder.
Allowed Values:
  • On - The configuration screen opens when a form control is double-clicked in eForm Builder.
  • Off - Double-clicking a form control has no effect.
Default Value:

Show JavaScript Injector

Specifies whether to show the JavaScript option in the eForm Builder toolbar.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the option.
  • Off - Does not show the option.
Default Value:

Show CSS Injector

Specifies whether to show the CSS option in the eForm Builder toolbar.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the option.
  • Off - Does not show the option.
Default Value:

Show JSON View

Specifies whether to show the View Form JSON option in the eForm Builder toolbar.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the option.
  • Off - Does not show the option.
Default Value:

Show Export Form

Specifies whether to show the Export Form option in the eForm Builder toolbar.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the option.
  • Off - Does not show the option.
Default Value:

Show Import Form

Specifies whether to show the Import Form option in the eForm Builder toolbar.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the option.
  • Off - Does not show the option.
Default Value:

Place Dismiss Buttons On Right

Specifies whether to show the the Cancel button on the right side of the eForm at runtime.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows the Cancel button on the right side of the eForm at runtime.
  • Off - Shows the Cancel button on the left side of the eForm at runtime.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

eForm Performance Monitor

Specifies whether to show a warning message if eForm load times are longer than a specified number of seconds.
Allowed Values:
  • On - Shows a warning message if an eForm takes more time to load than the value in the Show eForm Performance Warning After field.
  • Off - A warning message does not show if an eForm takes time to load.
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Show eForm Performance Warning After (Seconds)

Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to let an eForm load in a web browser at runtime before showing a warning about the eForm performance.
To Open this Field:
  1. On the Build Apps Form Designer Setting screen, turn on Performance Monitor to Yes.
Allowed Values:
An integer.


  • Maximum 120


  • A number of seconds
Default Value:

This field is available in these releases:

Import eForm Global CSS

Opens this Screen:
Add Global CSS screen
Function of this Screen:
Uploads the global CSS file that you can use in all eForms in all AgilePoint NX apps.

This field is available in these releases:

Apply Global CSS By Default To Forms Created Before AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2

Specifies whether to use the global CSS file by default for all eForms in AgilePoint NX apps created before AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2.
To Open this Field:
  1. Upload a global CSS file.

    For more information, refer to Add Global CSS screen.

Allowed Values:
  • Off - Global CSS is not enabled by default for eForms created before AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2.

    There was a change to the handling of CSS in eForms in AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2 that may cause display errors in eForms created before that release. By default, global CSS is enabled for any new blank eForms in a new app, or an existing app created after AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2.

    If this field is turned off, you can enable global CSS in the form settings for each eForm.

  • On - Applies the global CSS file by default for all eForms in all AgilePoint NX apps, including eForms that were created before AgilePoint NX v7.0 Software Update 2.

    When you turn this field on, it shows a warning message that AgilePoint highly recommends to turn this field off and enable global CSS in the form settings for each eForm after you test it.

Default Value:

This field is available in these releases: