Add, Deploy, and Activate the SharePoint Solution Files with PowerShell

To install the SharePoint solution files for AgilePoint using the PowerShell command line tool, do the procedure in this topic.


How to Start

  1. On the primary SharePoint front-end web server, open the PowerShell command line tool.

    For SharePoint 2013, the default location is Start > Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products > SharePoint 2013 Management Shell.


  1. On the primary SharePoint front-end web server, in the PowerShell command line tool, add the solution files to SharePoint.
    Add-SPSolution "[AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installation folder]\Ascentn.SharePoint.SettingsList.wsp"
    Add-SPSolution "[AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installation folder]\AgilePoint.SharePoint.Dashboard.wsp"
    Add-SPSolution "[AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installation folder]\Ascentn.SharePoint.WFIntegration.wsp"
    Add-SPSolution "[AgilePoint SharePoint Integration installation folder]\Ascentn.SharePoint.ListForm.wsp"

    Example Path: C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Integration for SharePoint

    This copies the wsp files from the installation folder (The default location is [AgilePoint installation folder]\AgilePoint Integration for SharePoint.), and adds them to SharePoint's Central Administration repository. You can specify a different path in the command.

  2. On the primary SharePoint front-end web server in the PowerShell command line tool, deploy the solution files to SharePoint.
    Note: The command -CompatibilityLevel All applies only to SharePoint 2013 and later. Omit this command if you are using an earlier version of SharePoint.
    Install-SPSolution -WebApplication "[Site Collection URL]" -GACDeployment 
            -FullTrustBinDeployment -Identity Ascentn.SharePoint.SettingsList.wsp 
            -CompatibilityLevel All
    Install-SPSolution –WebApplication "[Site Collection URL]" -GACDeployment 
            -FullTrustBinDeployment -Identity AgilePoint.SharePoint.Dashboard.wsp 
            -CompatibilityLevel All
    Install-SPSolution –WebApplication "[Site Collection URL]" -GACDeployment 
            -FullTrustBinDeployment -Identity Ascentn.SharePoint.WFIntegration.wsp 
            -CompatibilityLevel All
    Install-SPSolution –WebApplication "[Site Collection URL]" -GACDeployment 
            -FullTrustBinDeployment -Identity Ascentn.SharePoint.ListForm.wsp 
            -CompatibilityLevel All

    Site Collection URL Example: http://mysharepoint:8080/sites/mysite

  3. On each SharePoint machine that is a front-end web server, in the PowerShell command line tool, execute the following command:
  4. On the primary SharePoint front-end web server, , in the PowerShell command line tool, activate the features.,
    Note: AgilePoint recommends you enable features with PowerShell, and not the SharePoint UI. For more information, refer to Why Do I Get an Access Denied Error when I Activate the Configuration List in SharePoint?.
    Enable-SPFeature -Url "[Site Collection URL]" -Identity AgilePointSettingsListFeature
    Enable-SPFeature -Url "[Site Collection URL]" -Identity AgilePointDashboard
    Enable-SPFeature -Url "[Site Collection URL]" -Identity AgilePointWFIntegration
    Enable-SPFeature -Url "[Site Collection URL]" -Identity AgilePointListForm

    Site Collection URL Example: http://mysharepoint:8080/sites/mysite