Email Approval Configuration screen - Acknowledgement tab

Specifies the configuration of Email Approval AgileConnector for sending a custom automated reply message when an email approval succeeds or fails.

Figure: Configure E-mail Approval > Acknowledgement tab
Acknowledgement tab


How to Start

  1. On the AgilePoint Server machine, in Windows Explorer, right-click the file (AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server \WCFConfigurationUtility.exe, and click Run as Administrator.
  2. On the AgilePoint Server Manager screen, in the left pane, select your AgilePoint Server instance.
  3. Click Open Server Configuration Open Server Configuration icon.
  4. On the AgilePoint Configuration screen, click the Extensions tab.
  5. On the Extensions tab, select MailApproval.
  6. Click Configure.
  7. On the Configure Email Approval screen, click the Acknowledgement tab.


Field Name Definition

Failed email approval reply message

Specifies the content the automated message sent to participants when an email approval fails.
Accepted Values:
A text string that represents the body of the email.
Default Value:
A default email message body.

Successful email approval reply message

Specifies the content the automated message sent to participants when an email approval is successful.

Replies for successful approvals are optional.

Accepted Values:
A text string that represents the body of the email.

To enable email replies for successful approvals, the check box must be selected.

Default Value:
Deselected, with no default message.