Fixes for Process Builder
The following issues have been fixed in this release for Process Builder.
- 14.0311.17
- Occasionally, the process instance naming convention does not update the custom naming convention value. Instead, it shows the default naming convention value.
- 14.0311.24
- When an app is imported to a different process group folder, the app is corrupted.
- 14.0311.25
- The Update Process Data activity truncates the value if it is longer than 65 characters.
- 14.0311.26
- In the Document Transfer activity, in the Dropbox target repository configuration, Choose Folder Path displays in lower case.
- 14.0311.27
- The Data Entities Upsert activity fails if the ID field is not mapped.
- 14.0311.28
- The Exchange Server Find Message By Subject activity does not store the Message body into a mapped schema variable.
- 14.0311.29
- The Adobe Sign Create Agreement activity completes after 1 minute, instead of waiting for the delay time to complete.
- 14.0311.30
- In the Microsoft Word activity, the Display Literal Boolean Value option does not set as Yes/No when it is mapped to a complex schema variable.
- 14.0311.31
- When an Excel Read activity is used in a sequence with an Excel Write activity, it reads the default value from the Excel file, instead of reading the updated value from Excel Write activity.
- 14.0311.32
- The MS Azure Active Directory Get Users and Get Group activities do not retrieve more than 100 users or groups.
- 14.0311.33
- When you edit the configuration for an Update Process Data activity, it does not show the previous configuration.
- 14.0311.34
- The Microsoft Teams Add Member to Team activity fails to add users if the number of users in the team is greater than 100.