Fixes for Work Center

The following issues have been fixed in this release for Work Center.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1

The Work Center does not show process models if the Group by App option is set to Yes, and Pagination is set to No.
The View Subprocess option does not show the list of subprocess.
If you rename a process model, the new name does not show in the Process I’ve Worked and Processes I Started tabs.
Task Reassign screen does not enable the text box for free text entry.
In the Web Form activity, if the URL property configured with the WID parameter, it does not open the task.
In the Web Form activity, if the user defined properties have more than one name and value property, the task does not open.
The Report View option does not show for subprocess instances.
The Applications I Own on the Processes I Started tab does not filter the result.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 6, Hotfix 1

In the task lists, the Task Rework option opens the wrong form.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 6

When using a direct URL to a Task List tab, the portal does not redirect to the correct tab.
In the Process Viewer, the Subprocess activity does not show a hyperlink to the child process.
In the Work Center, on the My Applications tab, if the Group by Application setting is set as Yes, when you go to the next page, Group by Application is set to No.
In the Work center, on the Processes I Started and Processes I've worked tab, the Process Model column shows the internal process model name.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 5, Hotfix 1

The Work Center has been localized for French language.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 5

In the Work Center, the Overview tab does not show data related to processes that are in retired status.
In the Work Center, tasks that are reassigned do not show activity information.
On the Process Adaptation screen there is no confirmation message.
In Process Adaptation, the default value for duration is Seconds, but it should be Day.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 4, Hotfix 1

Missing Japanese localization is included in Work Center.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 4

Work Center > Inbox > Processes I've Worked does not show the correct count.
In Work Center > My Application, when you navigate through the pagination group by application, the data gets cleared.
Work Center > Inbox > Process viewer > Activity Info does not show close (X) option on low resolution screens.
In the Work Center, the application and process internal names show instead of the display names.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 2

In Mac OSX, on the Process Viewer , the activity status icons are not aligned with the activities.
In Work Center > My Applications, if an application name has a space, it can not be found through search.

AgilePoint NX v6.0 Software Update 1

In the Work Center > Inbox, the Processes I’ve worked count does not refresh.
In the Task Lists, an Open Task action it does not open the external form for a task that uses the Web Form activity.