Why Does a Custom AgileWork Not Show in Process Builder?


After you deploy a custom AgileWork to AgilePoint Server, it does not show in Process Builder.

Good to Know

  • This issue can have more than one cause.

Browser Cache Out of Date


The web browser cache is out of date.


  1. Clear the web browser cache
  2. Reload Process Builder in the web browser.

ReleaseVersion Key Value Out of Date


The value of the ReleaseVersion key in (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\web.config file has not changed.


  1. In a text editor, open this file:

    (NX Portal installation folder - v8.0 and lower) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\web.config

  2. Change the value of the ReleaseVersion key:

    <add key="ReleaseVersion" value="[value]" />

    Even though this key is called ReleaseVersion, its purpose is not to specify an AgilePoint NX release number, and it does not necessarily correspond to a specific AgilePoint NX release. Instead, the value of this key tells the web browser whether to download new files from the Portal server. If the web page loads in a browser, and this value has changed since the last time the page loaded, the browser downloads the latest files from the AgilePoint NX Portal server.

    You simply need to change this value in some way to make it different from the most recent value. AgilePoint recommends appending a number to the end of the value. For example, if the value is 070000011, you can change it to 0700000112. Then, if you change the value in the future, you can change it to 0700000113, and so on. Note that the numbers 2 and 3 in this example were appended to the original value, rather than incrementing the last number of the value. However, you could also increment the value. The purpose is simply to change the value in some way. The specific sequence or pattern is not important. It is possible that in future, this number could change again automatically to reflect a different numeric pattern. The important factor is that the value changes in some way when the NX Portal software is updated, not that it is a specific value.

    The following rules apply to this value:

    • The value must change in some way each time when a new fix or release is applied to NX Portal, and under certain other conditions, such as the deployment of custom components.
    • The value must be numeric.
    • The value cannot have letters, spaces, or special characters.
    • The value can be any length.
  3. Save and close the file.