How Do I Create a Link to the eForm Report View for a Process Instance?

To create a link to the eForm report view for a process instance, do the procedure in this topic.

Figure: Add Variables screen

Add Variables screen

How to Start

  1. Click Manage.

    Click Manage
  2. In Manage Center, click App Builder > Shared Variables.

    Click Shared Variables
  3. On the Shared Variables screen, click Add.

    Click Add icon


  1. On the Add Variable screen, in the Name field, enter a name for your variable.



  2. In the Type list, select String.
  3. In the Value field, enter the base URL.


    https://[portal instance URL]/ApplicationBuilder/eFormRender?PID=


    In the URL, PID is the technical ID of the process instance.

    The Portal Instance URL shows on the Tenant screen.

  4. To create the complete URL to the eForm report view for a process, do this:
    1. Open the configuration screen where you want to add the variable—for example, an email template or eForm.
    2. On the Process Data pane, on the Global Data tab, drag your shared variable for the process link URL—for example, ${ProcessLinkBaseUrl}.
    3. In the Process Data pane, drag the standard process variable ProcessID, and place it immediately after the variable for your process link base URL.

      In the configuration screen, the result looks similar to this:


      When the process runs, the result looks similar to this: