How Do I Change the Portal URL Value in the Portal web.config File?

To update the value of the portal URL and the portal web.config file, do the procedure in this topic.

Good to Know

  • When AgilePoint NX is installed, this value is not required. Therefore, it is not configured by default. However, some configuration changes require this value to be configured.

How to Start

  1. In a text editor, open the file (NX Portal installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal\web.config.


  1. In the file web.config, add or change this key to the <appSettings> node:
    Field NameDefinition


    Specifies the AgilePoint Portal Instance URL.
    Accepted Values:
    An appSettings key in the following format:

    <add key="PortalUrl" value="[AgilePoint Portal Instance URL]" />

    For more information, refer to Find your Portal Instance URL.

    Default Value:
    <add key="PortalUrl" value="https://mynxportal:443" />
    • When AgilePoint NX is installed, this value is not required. Therefore, it is not configured by default. However, some configuration changes require this value to be configured.
    • If you are configuring JWT authentication, the value of this field should match the value of ADAuthToJwt_AllowedAudiences key in the file (AgilePoint Server installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePoint Server\bin\Ascentn.AgilePoint.WCFService.exe.config
  2. Save the file.