Export Tabs screen

Downloads one or more custom tabs and their associated data as a JSON file from Classic Work Center to your local machine.

Figure: Export Tabs screen

Export Tabs screen


How to Start

  1. Click Settings.

  2. Click Work Center.

    Work Center Settings
  3. On the Work Center Common Settings screen, click the Tab Settings tab.

    Tab Settings
  4. On the Work Center Tab Settings screen, click Export JSON.

    Click Export JSON


Field NameDefinition

Select Custom Tabs

Specifies the custom tabs that can be exported as a JSON file.

This field shows a list of custom tabs that are created on the Work Center > Tab Settings tab.

Accepted Values:
One or more custom tabs from the list.
Default Value:

Export Tab Options Export Tab Options icon

Function of this Screen:
Downloads one or more custom tabs and their associated data as a JSON file from Classic Work Center to your local machine.