Get Activity Instance Status

API Type


HTTP Method



Retrieves the status of all activities for a specified process instance.

Good to Know

  • Results are returned as an array of KeyValues where the key contains activity name, and the value contains the status.

URL Format (OnPremises, PrivateCloud)


URL Format (OnDemand)


Request Parameters

Name Description


Specifies the unique ID of a process instance.
Accepted Values:
A valid process instance ID

JavaScript Code Example

$("#btnGetActivityInstStatus").click(function () {
    url: "https://mydomain:9011/AgilePointServer/Workflow/
    type: "GET"

Java Code Example

public String GetActivityInstStatus() {

  String URI = "https://mydomain:9011/AgilePointServer/Workflow/

  HTTPOperations ops = new HTTPOperations(domain, userName, 
                       password, appID, locale);

  return ops.GETMethod(URI);

C# Code Example

public string GetActivityInstStatus()
    string URI = "https://mydomain:9011/AgilePointServer/Workflow/

    HTTPOperations ops = new HTTPOperations(domain, this.userName, 
                         password, appID, locale);

    return ops.GetData(URI);

cURL Code Example

Note: The authorization code is an example. You must generate your own authorization code in base64 encoded format with the syntax Domain\Username:Password.
curl -H "Authorization:Basic QVAtNDI0XEFkbWluOnBhc3M=" 


An array of KeyValue objects that holds pairs of activity definition names and statuses. The statuses can be Passed, Active, Pending, Activated, Canceled, or null.

JSON Response Body Example

  "GetActivityInstStatusResult": [
    "Key": "Start",
    "Value": "Passed"
    "Key": "Stop",
    "Value": "Passed"

Supported Versions

AgilePoint v5.0 R2 and higher

Code Examples in the AgilePoint NX Documentation

The AgilePoint NX Product Documentation is intended as a basic reference to help you understand how to complete basic coding tasks, such as make API or JavaScript method calls. Code examples that show specific use cases, the solutions to specific business problems, or detailed implementation scenarios are outside the scope of the AgilePoint NX Product Documentation. For specific and/or advanced types of examples that may better meet your requirements, AgilePoint provides several resources:

  • AgilePoint Community Forums - A free, AgilePoint-moderated, crowd-sourcing user forum where you can ask questions about specific techniques, the solutions to use cases, workarounds, or other topics that may not be covered in the Product Documentation.
  • Professional Services - If you can not find the information you need for your specific business problem, mentoring is available through AgilePoint Professional Services.
  • Personalized Training - AgilePoint can provide personalized training for your organization. To request personalized training, contact AgilePoint Sales.