This topic gives information about constants used in the JavaScript
methods for eForms.
Constant | Description |
deviceType |
- Function:
- The device types on which a form can load.
- Common Usage:
- Compare the device type returned from the getCurrentDeviceType method.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.deviceType
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- PC - A desktop or laptop machine.
- Phone - A mobile phone device.
- Tab - A tablet device.
- Output
{Tab: 'ipad', PC: 'pc', Phone: 'iphone'}
PC: "pc"
Phone: "iphone"
Tab: "ipad"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1, Software Update 2, Hotfix 4 and higher.
fieldProperty |
- Function:
- A list of behavior-related properties for a form control.
- Common Usage:
- Change the property for a form control in the updateFieldProperty method.
- Retrieve the property for a form control in the getFieldProperty method.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.fieldProperty
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- Mandatory - Specifies whether the field is mandatory.
- Enabled - Specifies whether the runtime app user can change the value of a field.
- Visible - Specifies whether the runtime app user sees the field.
- Output
{Mandatory: 'Required', Visible: 'Visible', Enabled: 'Enabled'}
Enabled: "Enabled"
Mandatory: "Required"
Visible: "Visible"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 and higher.
formLocale |
- Function:
- The locale of the device where the form is loaded.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.formLocale
- Allowed Values:
- Returns a text string that represents the locale.
- Output
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v7.0, Software Update 2, Cumulative Update 6 and higher.
isReportViewForm |
- Function:
- Specifies whether the form loaded is in eForm report view.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.isReportViewForm
- Allowed Values:
- Returns a Boolean value that represents whether the form loaded is an eForm report view.
- true - The form loaded is an eForm report view.
- false - The form loaded is not an eForm report view.
- Output
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v8.0 and higher.
lookuptype |
- Function:
- The types of lookup.
- Common Usage:
- Specify a lookup type in the executeLookup method.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.lookuptype
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- Output
{multicolumn: 'user\\lookupmulticolumn', namevalue: 'user\\lookupnamevalue'}
multicolumn: "user\\lookupmulticolumn"
namevalue: "user\\lookupnamevalue"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 and higher.
messagetype |
- Function:
- The types of messages.
- Common Usage:
- Specify a message type in the showDailogMessage method.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.messagetype
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- ERR - An error message.
- WARN - A warning message.
- INFO - An information message.
- Output
{Warning: 'WARN', Error: 'ERR', Info: 'INFO'}
Error: "ERR"
Info: "INFO"
Warning: "WARN"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 and higher.
notificationtype |
- Function:
- The types of notifications.
- Common Usage:
- Specify a notification type in the showNotification method.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.notificationtype
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- ERR - An error message.
- WARN - A warning message.
- INFO - An information message.
- Output
{Warning: 'WARN', Error: 'ERR', Info: 'INFO'}
Error: "ERR"
Info: "INFO"
Warning: "WARN"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v9.0 and higher.
printType |
- Function:
- The print types for an eForm.
- Common Usage:
- Specify a print type in the onBeforePrint event.
- Syntax:
- printConstants.printType
- Allowed Values:
- An object that comes from AgilePoint NX with these values:
- Native Print - Prints an eForm the way it shows in your web browser. This is sometimes referred to as WYSIWYG print.
- Default Print - Prints an eForm with the print settings for the web browser.
- Output
{defaultPrint: 'Default Print', nativePrint: 'Native Print'}
defaultPrint: "Default Print"
nativePrint: "Native Print"
[[Prototype]]: Object
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v8.0 Software Update 2 and higher.
renderMode |
- Function:
- The mode in which the form loads.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.renderMode
- Allowed Values:
- One of these text strings:
- preview - The form loads in preview mode at design time.
- runtime - The form loads in an app at runtime.
- Output
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v6.0 SP1 Software Update 1 and higher.
userProfileLocale |
- Function:
- The locale for
the runtime app user's profile
in AgilePointNX Portal.
- Syntax:
- eFormHelper.constants.userProfileLocale
- Allowed Values:
- Returns a text string that represents the locale.
- Output
- Limitations:
- AgilePoint NX v7.0, Software Update 2, Cumulative Update 6 and higher.