Troubleshooting AgilePoint SharePoint Integration On Premises Installation

To resolve issues you encounter during the preinstallation checks for AgilePoint SharePoint Integration on premises, do the procedures in this topic. The same procedures apply to SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2013.

Figure: Verifying System Requirements screen (SharePoint 2013)

Verifying System Requirements screen SharePoint 2013
Figure: Verifying System Requirements screen (SharePoint 2016)

Verifying System Requirements screen SharePoint 2016


Issue Resolution

Supported version of Microsoft SharePoint Server is installed

Install and activate a supported version of Microsoft SharePoint Server.

For more information, refer to System Requirements for AgilePoint SharePoint Integration.

SharePoint Administration Windows Service is running

Start the Windows service SharePoint Administration.

SharePoint Timer Windows Service is running

Start the Windows Service SharePoint Timer.

SharePoint Management Shell is available

This tool is installed with SharePoint. Reinstall SharePoint.

SharePoint Web Application is available

  • Make sure at least one SharePoint web application is created.
  • Make sure the SharePoint web application is up and running.
  • Make sure the SharePoint web site can be browsed in Internet Explorer with no errors
  • Make sure the AgilePoint Service account is a member of the SharePoint Farm Administrators group, and the SharePoint Farm Administrator account has access to the SharePoint database.
    To make sure access, run the following PowerShell command on the primary SharePoint machine:
    Get-SPDatabase | Add-SPShellAdmin 
          [domain]\[AgilePoint Service Account user name]

SharePoint Farm Administrator Permissions are available

Add the SharePoint user (the AgilePoint service account) to the SharePoint Farm Administrators group. This is required only for SharePoint farms.

User Account Control (UAC) is turned off

Turn user access control (UAC) off.

For more information, refer to Turn Off User Account Control (UAC).

Supported Version of .NET Framework is installed

Install a supported version of the .NET Framework on all SharePoint Server machines in your environment.

For more information, refer to System Requirements for AgilePoint SharePoint Integration.