Get Domain Users

API Type

Web Services


Retrieves all the users in the Active Directory domain specified in the LDAPPath parameter.

Good to Know

  • This method is used only for AgilePoint internal purposes.


public virtual DomainUser[] GetDomainUsers(string LDAPPath, string Filter)


Name Description


The LDAP path to the domain.
Accepted Values:
A valid LDAP path.

If the value is null, the AgilePoint Server machine domain will be used.


A filter term for groups that is wildcard-enabled.
Accepted Values:
A string in the format (name=[my wildcard filter]).


Array of DomainUser objects. If the specified group does not exist, the return value is null.


IWFAdminService svc = GetAdminService();
string LDAPPath = ...// for example,
string Filter = ""; // All Users

    DomainUser[] users = svc.GetDomainUsers(LDAPPath, Filter);
    foreach (DomainUser user in users)
       Console.WriteLine("Full Name:{0}; Login Name:{1};", user.FullName, user.UserName);

catch (Exception ex)
    Console.WriteLine("Failed! " + ShUtil.GetSoapMessage(ex));
This example produces the following results:
Full Name:Manager; Login Name:Demo3\Manager;
Full Name:Marcomm; Login Name:Demo3\Marcomm;
Full Name:SharePoint Administrator; Login Name:Demo3\sp_adm;
Full Name:Sujeet Kumar; Login Name:Demo3\sujeetk;

Supported Versions and higher

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