
The following is the list of all the tables currently in the AgilePoint Database schema:

Table Name Description
WF_ACTIVITY_INSTS Contains information about the activity instances.
WF_ANONYMOUS_ACCESS Contains information about the tasks that are configured to be accessed by anonymous form users.
WF_APP_GLB_SETTINGS Contains information about the global and application level access tokens.
WF_APP_LABEL Contains release information for an application. In the database, applications are referred to as process models or process definitions.
WF_APPLICATION_FILE Contains information about the files associated with an application.
WF_APPLICATION_FOLDER Contains information about the folders in an application.
WF_ASSIGNED_OBJECTS Contains information about assignment object for a user role.
WF_AUDIT_TRAILS Contains audit trail information about a process template.
WF_AUTO_WORKITEMS Contains information about the automatic work items.
WF_CONFIG_SETTINGS Contains information about configuration settings for the AgilePoint NX Portal.
WF_CUSTOM_ATTRS Contains all the custom attributes. Custom attributes are associated with process instances through custom ID's. Custom ID's is the process instance ID or Work Object ID associated with process instance.
WF_CUSTOM_ATTRS_ITCS Contains information about interceptors for a custom attribute.
WF_DELEGATIONS Contains information about the delegation rules.
WF_DOMAIN_VALUES Contains additional information related to the domain. For example, organizational information including department, title, etc.
WF_ENABLED_APPS Contains information about the metadata for the AgilePoint NX applications
WF_EVENTS This table keeps tracks of individual events and statuses.
WF_GROUP_MEMBERS Contains information about members association to user groups.
WF_GROUPS Contains information about the user group definition.
WF_INTEGRATED_APPS Contains the configuration for AgileConnectors, most importantly for NLB deployments.
WF_LABEL_FILE_REL Contains information about the relationship between an application file and its label.
WF_LARGE_BINARIES This table is used to store large binary data.
WF_LARGE_DATA Stores large blocks of data, such as images or uploaded files.
WF_LARGE_TEXTS Contains long text for various places and purposes. For example, email template definitions, error messages, etc.
WF_MAIL_DELIVERABLES Contains information about the email notification.
WF_MANUAL_WORKITEMS Contains information about the manual work items.
WF_PROC_BASE_ELEMENTS Contains the metadata information about process activities, such as activity title, description, activity icon, in all of the supported languages
WF_PROC_DEFS Contains the process definition (process templates).
WF_PROC_DEF_SUPPLEMENTS Contains supplemental information about process definitions.
WF_PROC_INSTS One of the main tables which contains information about the process instances.
WF_PROC_TRACKINGS This table keeps track of the history of how a process moves from one step to another.
WF_REG_USERS Contains information about the registered users in AgilePoint Server.
WF_REPORT_CFGS Contains information about the report configuration.
WF_REPOSITIORY_ITEMS Contains information about repository items.
WF_ROLES Contains information about user roles.
WF_SCHEDULED_ITEMS Contains information about interceptors for a custom attribute.
WF_SERIALLIZED_ENTITIES This table is used to store business entities in a serial format (i.e. XML) for processing.
WF_SPOPERATIONS This table provides the queuing service for the SharePoint AgileConnector.