AgilePart Project Template > Design Time

This design time project template is used to create a configuration screen for your custom system activity.

Good to Know

  • You can add, show, or hide the properties for the system activity with C# code in the AgilePartDescriptor.cs file that inherits the WFAgilePartDescriptor.
  • The AgilePartDescriptor.cs class is used to specify the design time properties of the system activity.
  • All the properties have the attribute [Category("CustomProperty"),Description("description for Property1...")]. By default, all the properties are exposed in the Process Builder and will be Browsable(true). To hide a property, you must add the attribute Browsable(false).
  • You can create custom validation with the validate method.

How to Start

  1. Create a new project in AgilePoint NX Developer.
  2. In the project folder Design Time, open the file AgilePartDescriptor.cs.