Change the Default Value for the Authentication Domain

To change the default value for the AgilePoint NX authentication domain, do the procedure in this topic.


Good to Know

  • When you install AgilePoint Server, the value specified in Domain field shows in DomainName attribute in the portal web.config file.

How to Start

  1. Open the file (NX Portal installation folder) C:\Program Files\AgilePoint\AgilePointWebApplication\AgilePointPortal \web.config


  1. In the Portal web.config file, change this key as necessary.
    Field Name Definition
    The authentication domain for an Active Directory domain in AgilePoint NX OnPremises and AgilePoint NX PrivateCloud.
    Accepted Values:
    A key in this format.

    <add key="DomainName" value="[domain name]" />

    Default Value:
    The value specified in Domain field when you install AgilePoint Server.
    <add key="DomainName" value="TESCO" />