Process Attributes

This section provides detailed information on the features, functionality, purpose, and intended usage of the process attributes included in the AgilePoint BPMS Suite. AgilePoint Process Models typically contain many process related attributes which can be very useful when working with AgileShapes. Instead of creating your own mechanism to manage or access these attributes, AgilePoint has built-in functionality giving you direct access to this information without having to use code. In AgilePoint, you can access process attributes within the AgileShapes. Process Modelers can simply specify the process attributes to be used in the properties of the AgileShapes making the values associated to these attributes available automatically.

Below is a list of pre-defined process attributes that can be used when building AgilePoint process models. When writing code, a different approach is necessary for accessing process attributes. For the case of writing code, most of the Predefined Process Attributes mentioned below are actually the properties of classes. For example, you may get the process instance information such as process instance name, due date, etc from the properties of the WFProcessInstance class. The available classes and properties are listed in our Web Service API and AgilePoint SDK (APSDK) documentation.

When using process attributes, different syntax may need to be used. For example, outside of an email template, you may use $AttributeName, whereas inside an email template, you may use ${AttributeName}.