Built-In Macros

The following is a list of macros you can use as process attributes.

Name Description


Where you can obtain the ValidGroupNameInAgilePoint from InfoPath binding like $GROUP(${/my:myFields/my:groupname}), or you can supply the group name directly like $GROUP(Group ABC).



Where you can obtain the ValidRoleNameinAgilePoint from InfoPath binding like $ROLE(${/my:myFields /my:rolename}), or you can supply the role name directly like $ROLE(Role XYZ).



Returns the manager of the specified UserName, i.e. UserName  is the subordinate. You can obtain the subordinate UserName from InfoPath binding like $MANAGER(${/my:myFields/my:username}), or you can supply the username directly like $MANAGER(DOMAIN\john).


This macro accepts as a parameter an XPath expression indicating the location of a repeating data section of an InfoPath form. When included within an email template, this macro will include an HTML table (containing the repeating data from the InfoPath form) in the generated email notification.

Common Usage: Can be used in the body of an email template to display data from an InfoPath form.