Fixes for App Builder

The following issues have been fixed in this release for App Builder.

In the Schema Editor window, view XSD fails to display the XSD if it has an invalid XML character.
Importing app files with the content type JavaScript or CSS, and clicking OK multiple times results in duplicate files getting imported.
In an Oracle database data source, the Timestamp data type is converted to a String data type.
Fields that are unselected during Excel data source creation are created under the Form Library
OAuth 2.0 access tokens used in REST lookups do not show under App Dependencies.
Editing the primary data source entity name and trying to delete the primary data source lets you delete the primary data source instead of throwing an error and stopping you from deleting the primary data source.
Email notifications do not allow you to add multiple attachments.
Clone app with Microsoft Teams notifications configured throws this error, and exporting the app does not include the document repository details ins the activities used, and it results in failing dependency check in the environment where the app gets imported:
Given Key is not found in dictionary.
In a cloned app, the File Upload form control holds a reference to the original source app name.
AgilePoint NX OnDemand allows you to import an app that uses a local file system as a document repository.
App dependency check is not checking for Excel data source.
Cloning a form-based app fails to clone email notifications and fails to validate the app.
App Permissions displays undefined if the user is unregistered from the system.
In a database data source, changing a table column name, reconfiguring the data source, publishing the latest version of the app, and migrating previous instances to the latest version, it throws incorrect syntax exception when opening the forms.
The New Data Source screen fails to validate reserved keywords in the data source name.
Importing an app created in AgilePoint NX v6.0 throws this error:
Index was out of range
MySQL database data source throws this error:
Failed to fetch related entity.
In a form-based app, email notifications are not sent when a record is deleted.