Change Reminder E-mails for AgilePoint NX Sign Up
To change your e-mail reminder settings when you sign up for an AgilePoint NX trial account, do the procedure in this topic.

How to Start
- Click unsubscribe or postpone in the invitation e-mail for your AgilePoint NX trial.
- On the AgilePoint NX SignUp page, set your reminder preference.
Field Name Definition Manage Your AgilePoint NX Email Subscriptions
- Function:
- Specifies if you want to postpone or unsubscribe from the sign-up reminder notification e-mails for AgilePoint NX.
- Accepted Values:
- Postpone the next signup reminder notification email by - Specifies the time by which to postpone. It can be 15 Days, 1 Month, 2 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months, or 1 Year.
- Unsubscribe me from AgilePoint NX signup - Specifies that you will be unsubscribed from the sign-up reminder notification e-mails.
- Default Value:
- Postpone the next signup reminder notification email by