Extending the Web Parts / Custom Actions |
This section provides the steps to design and configure Custom Actions in the AgilePoint Process Instance List Web Part:
The user defined custom class needs to be derived from ICustomProcessInstanceAction and needs to implement the AddCustomActions method.
public class CustomTaskListActions : ICustomProcessInstanceAction { public StringBuilder AddCustomActions(StringBuilder sb, string piid, string currentUser) { int count = 0; string formRenderUrl = "FormRender.aspx"; formRenderUrl = formRenderUrl + "?PIID=" + piid; sb.Append(AddMenuItem(count.ToString(), "window.open('" + formRenderUrl + "')", "_layouts/images/edit.gif")); return sb; } private string AddMenuItem(string text, string actionUrl, string imageUrl) { if (imageUrl == null || imageUrl == string.Empty) { imageUrl = "/_layouts/AP/Image/warn16.gif"; } string menuHtml = "<ie:menuitem id=\"" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "\" type=\"option\" iconSrc=\"" + imageUrl + "\" onMenuClick=\"" + actionUrl + ";\" text=\"" + text + "\" title=\"" + text + "\" menuGroupId=\"2147483647\"></ie:menuitem>"; return menuHtml; } }
This can be done in two ways:
For example:
<add key="CustomAgilePointTaskActions" value="SPCustomAction.CustomTaskListActions,SPCustomAction" />
Add a new item in the AgilePoint Configuration List where the Application name is CustomProcessInstanceAction and the AP Setting Value is class name, assembly name