APADM Archive Database Command

First, the utility can be used to manually initiate archiving of AgilePoint Server data to the archive database. Archiving the workflow data will move the data for "old" processes from the main workflow database to an "archive" database. "Old" processes are those that have been Canceled or Completed for at least a specified minimum number of days.

In order to use the utility to archive workflow data, you must have already configured a connection to an archive database using the AgilePoint Server Configuration utility.

In order to use the utility to archive workflow data, you must be logged in to Windows using a user account that has the Archive Process Instance AgilePoint access rights.

Below is how to run the command line utility:

apadm -archive [days] [AgilePointServer URL]

Below is an example of using the utility to archive all processes that were completed or canceled at least 170 days ago:

D:\>apadm -archive 170 http://[hostname]/AgilePointServer
Connecting AgilePoint Server...You currently logon as 'ASTN\admin'
Query AgilePoint database...12 process(es) can be archived.
Please enter <Y> to continue, otherwise stop...y
Archiving process '/sites/AgilePointFinancialSite/ExpenseReport_InfoPath/ER-2005-0032.xml#1'…Done ( 0.334(s))

Also you can create a Windows scheduled task to automate the process with your own schedule using this command.