AgilePoint Web Service Performance Issues in Distributed Deployment Environments


In some cases, you may notice Web Service performance issues in distributed deployment environments where the Application Server and AgilePoint Server are hosted on different machines. This article provides information about troubleshooting and corrective actions.

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Check A: Too many Web Service calls in the application

There may be too many Web Service calls in one UI action. Ultimately, this is not a good coding approach and can cause the same type of performance issues similar to too many database queries.

AgilePoint provides a way to determine how many Web Services are being called and how long it takes to process, so you can calculate how slow the Web Service will be. For more information, see

Performance Tracing Utility.

It is a best practice to optimize your applications performance by reducing the number of Web Service calls.

Check B: Web Service connection tuning

Be sure to check the following items that may cause performance problems:

IIS and Authentication: Usually Windows authentication is slow because every call is going through Active Directory. Basic authentication will improve performance dramatically. In some cases, you can configure Web Services for better performance, see

Check C: Network traffic

Check with your hardware technician to determine if there may be network congestion that could be causing the performance issues.

Statistically, "Check A" is most significant, "Check B" is a small percentage, and "Check C" may be very rare.