Email Template Window

This section provides information and instructions about how to use the fields in the Email Template. The fields in the Email Template are used to specify what the participant(s) will see when the Email Notification is opened.

In addition to manually typing in the value of a field, most of the fields in the Email Template allow you to also select from a list of process attributes to dynamically populate that field at run time. To bring up the list of available process attributes, type ${ in the text box and select the process attribute for which you would like to use in that field. For example, you may want to select ${TaskParticipantUserName} in the To field of your Email Template. The To field will be populated with the user name of the task's participant.  

Incoming and Reminder Emails are sent separately for each participant, while Activity Exit Emails are sent per activity (regardless of number of participants). Therefore, if your email address is in the To or CC field of the email template associated with the Activity Entry Email, you will get X number of copies of the email. If the entire list of (potential) participants is in the To or CC field, then all of the (potential) participants will receive X number of copies of the email. If you use the ${TaskParticipantUserName} process attribute in the To field instead of specifying the entire list of participants in the To field, then for each participant, a separate email will be sent, and none of the participants will receive duplicate copies of the email.

If you want to send a single email to all of the (potential) participants (instead of separate messages), you could use the Email AgileShape to send a single email, instead of associating your template with the Activity Entry Email property of a multi-participant manual activity.