Reports screen

Shows summary information about all custom mobile apps.

Figure: Reports screen

Reports Dashboard screen

Video: Mobile App Accelerator


How to Start

  1. On the Home screen, click Reports Reports icon.

    Click Reports


Field NameDefinition

Custom Mobile App Statistics

Shows a summary of custom mobile apps in a graph.
Allowed Values:
  • Published Apps - Shows the total number of published custom mobile apps.
  • Draft Apps - Shows the total number of draft custom mobile apps.

    An app in Draft status is in development and has not been released.

  • Successful Builds - Shows the total number of all successful builds for custom mobile apps.
  • Failed Builds - Shows the total number of all failed builds for custom mobile apps.


Opens this Screen:
Overview screen
Function of this Screen:
Shows the details of custom mobile apps that are in published or draft status.

Successful Builds

Opens this Screen:
Successful Builds screen
Function of this Screen:
Shows the details of all successful builds and the platform-related details of custom mobile apps.

Failed Builds

Opens this Screen:
Failed Builds screen
Function of this Screen:
Shows information about the failed builds for all custom mobile apps in your environment.