Create New App screen

Lets you create a custom mobile app for Android and iOS.

Basic Settings tab

Specifies the basic configuration information for a custom mobile app.

Figure: Basic Settings tab

Basic Settings screen


Field NameDefinition

Mobile App Name

Specifies a display name for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:

Mobile App Description

A text description for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
More than one line of text.


  • 2000 characters maxiumum
Default Value:

Mobile App Version

Specifies the version for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
An integer.
Default Value:

Default Locale

Specifies the default locale for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Default Language - Uses the language on the mobile device.
  • A locale from the list.
Default Value:
Default Language

Company Name

Specifies the name of the mobile app user's organization.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:
The value specified in Default App Settings > Company Details tab.

Company Website

Specifies the URL of the mobile app user's organization website.
Allowed Values:
A valid URL of the website.
Default Value:
The value specified in Default App Settings > Company Details tab.

Company Support Email

Specifies the mobile app user's organization customer support e-mail address to contact.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string) in email address format.
Default Value:
The value specified in Default App Settings > Company Details tab.

Company Info Email

Specifies the mobile app user's organization e-mail address for information.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string) in email address format.
Default Value:
The value specified in Default App Settings > Company Details tab.

Copyright Info

Specifies the copyright information of the mobile app user's organization.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).


  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Spaces
Default Value:
The value specified in Default App Settings > Company Details tab.


Opens this Screen:
Authentication tab.
Function of this Screen:
Configures the authentication providers for the custom mobile app..

Authentication tab

Configures the authentication providers for the custom mobile app.

Figure: Authentication tab

Authentication screen

Good to Know

  • For information about how to configure each authentication type, refer to Authentication.


Field NameDefinition

Select Authentication Providers for Your Mobile App

Specifies the authentication providers for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Active Directory
  • AgilePoint ID
  • IdentityServer
  • Okta
  • Salesforce
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory / Microsoft 365
  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory / Microsoft 365 (China)

For information about how to configure each authentication type, refer to Authentication.

Default Value:
AgilePoint ID

Server Instance URL (REST)

Specifies the REST AgilePoint Service URL for your tenant.

For more information, refer to Find Your AgilePoint Service URL in AgilePoint NX.

Allowed Values:
A valid AgilePoint service URL.
Default Value:


Opens this Screen:
App Filters tab
Function of this Screen:
Specifies the AgilePoint NX apps for the custom mobile app.

App Filters tab

Specifies the AgilePoint NX apps for the custom mobile app.

Figure: App Filters tab

App Filters screen


Field NameDefinition

Show all of my AgilePoint NX apps in the custom mobile app / Show only the AgilePoint NX apps selected below

Specifies whether to show your imported AgilePoint NX apps list to select specific apps for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Show all of my AgilePoint NX apps in the custom mobile app - Shows all the AgilePoint NX apps in the custom mobile app from your AgilePoint NX environment.
  • Show only the AgilePoint NX apps selected below - Shows the list of AgilePoint NX apps from your imported file and then you can select to show or hide each app in the custom mobile app.
Default Value:


Specifies whether to show the AgilePoint NX app in your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Selected - Shows the AgilePoint NX app in your custom mobile app.
  • Deselected - Hides the AgilePoint NX app in your custom mobile app.
Default Value:

NX App

Shows the name of AgilePoint NX apps from the imported file.
Allowed Values:
Read only.


Opens this Screen:
Menu Options tab.
Function of this Screen:
Specifies the features to include in the custom mobile app.

Platform tab

Specifies the mobile operating system for the custom mobile app.

Figure: Platform tab

Platform screen


Field NameDefinition

Select The Platforms For Your Mobile App

Specifies one or more operating systems for which to build the custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Android - Configures the custom mobile app for Android.
  • iPhone and iPad - Configures the custom mobile app for iOS.
Default Value:

Build Type

Specifies the type of deployment for your custom mobile app.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select Android or iPhone and iPad.
Allowed Values:
  • MDM Build - Lets you deploy your custom mobile app through MDM solution.

    In the current release, only Intune is supported for MDM deployment.

    For more information, refer to MDM Deployment Guide.

  • Store Build - Lets you deploy your custom mobile app to a public app store.
  • Device Specific Build - Lets you deploy your custom mobile app directly to a mobile device.
Default Value:
MDM Build

Package Name

Specifies a name to append to the build package file for your custom mobile app.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select Android.
Allowed Values:
One line of text (a string).

Not Accepted:

  • Spaces
Default Value:


Specifies your certificate for the Android operating system.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Android.
  2. In the Build Type field, select Store Build.
Allowed Values:
Use the Select File button to select your Android Certificate.

Key Alias

Specifies the name for the key.

The key name identifies your certificate for the Android operating system.

To Open this Field:
  1. Click Android.
  2. In the Build Type field, select Store Build.
Allowed Values:
A valid key name from Android.

Key Password

Specifies the password for the key.
To Open this Field:
  1. Click Android.
  2. In the Build Type field, select Store Build.
Allowed Values:
A valid password.

Store Password

Specifies a password for your keystore.

A keystore is a repository of certificates.

To Open this Field:
  1. Click Android.
  2. In the Build Type field, select Store Build.
Allowed Values:
A valid keystore password.


Specifies your iOS certificate.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select iPhone and iPad.
Allowed Values:
Use the Select File button to select your iOS Certificate.


Specifies a password for your certificate.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select iPhone and iPad.
Allowed Values:
A valid password for your certificate.
Default Value:

Provisioning Profile

Specifies your provisioning profile for the iOS operating system.
To Open this Field:
  1. Select iPhone and iPad.
Allowed Values:
Use the Select File button to select your provisioning profile.


Opens this Screen:
Styling tab.
Function of this Screen:
Specifies the menu color and button color for the custom mobile app.

Styling tab

Specifies the menu color and button color for the custom mobile app.

Figure: Styling tab

Styling screen


Field NameDefinition

Select Styling to be Applied

Specifies a style for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
  • Blue - Specifies a blue color for the menus and buttons in the custom mobile app.
  • Orange - Specifies an orange color for the menus and buttons in the custom mobile app.
  • Green - Specifies a green color for the menus and buttons in the custom mobile app.
  • Red - Specifies a red color for the menus and buttons in the custom mobile app.
  • Custom - Specifies custom colors for the menus and buttons in the custom mobile app.
Default Value:
The style specified in Default App Settings > Styling tab.


Opens this Screen:

Upload Images > Android tab

Specifies the branding for an Android custom mobile app.

Figure: Upload Images > Android tab

Android Upload Images screen


  • On the Platform tab, configure Android as your operating system.


Field NameDefinition

App Logo

Specifies the logo image for the custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
To select your app logo image, click the Select File button.
Default Value:
The image specified in Default App Settings > Upload Image > Android tab.

App Icon

Specifies the icon image for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
To select your app icon image, click the Select File button.
Default Value:
The image specified in Default App Settings > Upload Image > Android tab.

Background Image

Specifies the background image for your Android custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
To select the background image, click the Select File button.
Default Value:
The image specified in Default App Settings > Upload Image > Android tab.


Opens this Screen:
Build App tab.
Function of this Screen:
Specifies e-mail addresses to receive a notification when the build is ready for the custom mobile app.

Upload Images > iOS tab

Specifies the branding for an iOS custom mobile app.

Figure: Upload Images > iOS tab

iOS Upload Images screen


  • On the Platform tab, configure iOS as your operating system.


Field NameDefinition

App Icon

Specifies the icon image for your custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
To select your app icon image, click the Select File button.
Default Value:
The image specified in Default App Settings > Upload Image > iOS tab.

Splash Screen

Specifies the splash screen image for your iOS custom mobile app.
Allowed Values:
To select your splash screen image, click the Select File button.
Default Value:
The image specified in Default App Settings > Upload Image > iOS tab.


Opens this Screen:
Build App tab.
Function of this Screen:
Specifies e-mail addresses to receive a notification when the build is ready for the custom mobile app.

Build App tab

Specifies e-mail addresses to receive a notification when the build is ready for the custom mobile app.

Figure: Build App tab

Build App screen


Field NameDefinition

Enter A List Of Email Addresses To Get Notification When The Build Is Ready

Specifies one or more e-mail addresses to receive a notification when your custom mobile app is complete.
Allowed Values:
  • A list of email addresses, separated by commas (,).
Default Value:
The notification list specified in Default App Settings > Notification List tab.

Clear Notification List

Deletes the list of e-mail addresses from the Enter or import a list of email addresses to get notification when the build is ready box.

Save as Draft

Saves the information for custom mobile app as a draft.


Compiles the custom mobile app.