How Does AgilePoint Enable Continuous Process Improvement?

AgilePoint's SOA architecture enables continuous process improvement without the need to ever stop a process from running. Process improvement continues through the four cyclical stages:

The AgilePoint BPMS engine executes processes on the fly based on XML metadata in the process definition. This means there is no code to write or compile.

Process instances can be started, stopped, rolled forward or backward, or migrated to new or old versions on the fly, without interrupting the process flow.

Processes can be created, revised, and deployed in Microsoft Visio plug-in AgilePoint Envision.

In other BPM systems, continuous process improvement is not possible. Processes require compiled code, so it is typically necessary to stop and restart a process at some point during the lifecycle.

With AgilePoint, the control is in the hands of the business analyst, with no required intervention from IT.