(v2 Only) AgilePoint Configuration List

The AgilePoint Configuration List feature provides the administrative information and creates a new list called AgilePoint Configuration List when the feature is activated. By default, this list is populated with sample data, it is required to modify the items before using the integration. Go to View All Site Content on your SharePoint site and click AgilePoint Configuration List under the Lists section. Modify the following six items in the list as appropriate to your environment.

Application Title Value
AgilePoint ServerUrl The URL of AgilePoint Server (e.g. )
AgilePoint ImpersonatorDomain The Domain Name
AgilePoint ImpersonatorUser The User Name
AgilePoint ImpersonatorPass The Password (Optionally, you can check the Encrypted check box in order to encrypt the value of this setting).
AgilePoint Log Location of the log files (e.g. C:\NewSPLog). You can give the FTP location also (e.g. ftp://netsvr1/AgilePontSharePoint/Log). If using an FTP server, the Impersonator user should have write permission on the FTP server.
AgilePoint LogSwitch

You can provide switches for logging. The following are the available switches.

  • All 
  • Info
  • Debug
  • Error
  • None

You can give multiple switches separating by a comma(,) ( e.g. Debug, error, Info).

The Default value is: All.

AgilePoint OpenTasksInNewWindow

Determines whether tasks open in the current window or a new window.

  • True – (Default) Tasks open in a new window
  • False – Tasks open in the current window.
AgilePoint CheckFileUpload

This setting helps to deal with a SharePoint issue: If a SharePoint document library is set up to automatically start an AgilePoint process when a document is uploaded, it is possible to receive an error similar to the following: "The file xxx has been modified by SHAREPOINT\system on xxx." This error is caused by a race condition where the process attempts to start before the document upload is complete.

This setting determines whether SharePoint waits to confirm that SharePoint metadata has been added to the file before starting the process.

  • True - (Default) SharePoint waits to confirm the metadata before starting the process.
  • False - SharePoint does not wait to confirm the metadata before starting the process.
AgilePoint ExcludeLibraryFromFileUploadCheck

Enables you to specify exceptions to CheckFileUpload=True. In other words, it enables you to effectively set CheckFileUpload=False only on a specified list of document libraries.

Enter a semicolon (;) delimited list of URLs for the documentation libraries that you do not want to wait to confirm metadata before starting the process.

(Optional) It is recommended to keep separate AgilePoint Configuration Lists for each SharePoint Site Collection since this allows you the capability of connecting to different AgilePoint Servers for different SharePoint Site Collections in future. Also, things like different log folders for different SharePoint Site Collections for better tracking would be available. In a case where you have many SharePoint Site Collections within the same SharePoint Web application and you do not want to maintain the configuration list separately, and all site collections are going to connect to same AgilePoint Server, you can define one common AgilePoint Configuration List in the SharePoint Web Application web.config file as shown in the sample below:

    <add key="APSettingsListName" value="AgilePoint Configuration" />
    <add key="APSettingsSiteUrl" value="http://demo3:8081" />
    <add key="APSettingsWebName" value="" />
