Configuring SharePoint Authentication

To configure SharePoint authentication for the SPSIntegration extension:


Before setting up Forms-Based Authentication, you must set up Forms Authentication in your SharePoint environment using the instructions from Microsoft:


  1. In the AgilePoint Server Configuration Utility on the Extension Window, select SPSIntegration.
  2. Click Configure.
  3. On the AgileConnector for SharePoint dialog box, select the user account you want to use to connect to SharePoint:
    • Use AgilePoint System Account - Authenticates using the AgilePoint system account.
    • Logon as the following user - Authenticates using the credentials you specify.
  4. If you want to use Forms-Based Authentication (SharePoint 2003, 2007) or Claims-Based Authentication (SharePoint 2010), select Use Forms Based Authentication.
  5. If you are not using Forms-Based Authentication, enter a domain in the Domain field.
  6. Enter the Username and Password.
  7. Click OK.