Flow of Events in a NLB Deployment

The following information explains the basic flow of events in a NLB deployment when an AgilePoint process instance is created. Assume that only two AgilePoint Servers are in the NLB cluster (e.g. AgilePoint Server A and B).

  1. When a new AgilePoint process instance is created, the NLB manager load balances this request and distributes it to AgilePoint Server A in the NLB cluster.
  2. AgilePoint Server A will do the following:
    • Create the records in the AgilePoint database.
    • Sends a message to the AgilePoint CSM with the Process Instance ID to dedicate AgilePoint Server A to process all activities associated with this process instance.
  3. As both AgilePoint Servers monitor the DB for new events, only the AgilePoint Server dedicated to a process instance will process the event associated with a current running process instance. In other words, when a new event becomes available in the database, AgilePoint Server B will pick up the event and do a check with the AgilePoint CSM. The AgilePoint CSM replies that AgilePoint Server A is dedicated to processing events for this process instance and blocks AgilePoint Server B from processing the event. AgilePoint Server A will process the event.