Safely Stopping AgilePoint Server

To stop (or shut down) AgilePoint Server safely (i.e. without risking any data loss for requests currently being processed), please use the following instructions.

Whenever you are performing maintenance on a resource required to run AgilePoint Server (e.g. taking the workflow DB offline, upgrading AgilePoint Server, etc.), it is recommended that you first stop AgilePoint Server. This will prevent possible problems, such as: data loss; email notification errors; etc.

  1. (Optional) If you are using the AgilePoint Server Monitor windows service, it is recommended that you stop the service while AgilePoint Server is unavailable.
  2. Open the IIS management console.
  3. Under your server's Application Pools node, select the application pool associated with your AgilePoint Server application.
  4. Stop the application pool (e.g. by right-clicking and choosing Stop).

    You can also choose Recycle if you want the AgilePoint Server application to be available again immediately.

  5. When you are ready, start the application pool to make the AgilePoint Server application available again.