Rolling back a Process Model and Associated Dependencies

The rollback function can be used if a Process Model and associated dependencies fail to be deployed to a target AgilePoint server, a new project fails to be deployed, or a package file fails to be restored. The AgilePoint Deployment Service records the information in a XML file and provides a way to rollback the migration.

To rollback a Process Model and the associated dependencies:

  1. From the AgilePoint Explorer tab, select the AgilePoint Server that contains the Process Model and associated dependencies that failed to be migrated to a target AgilePoint server, the project failed to be deployed, or a package file failed to be restored and click the Rollback button on the toolbar. The Rollback Process Definition Wizard appears.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select the item(s) (i.e. Process Model and dependencies, project, or package files) and click Next.
  4. Once the rollback has been completed successfully, click Finish.