Project Functions

Add Project

Once a project is created, you can add a project to the project collection from another place by right-clicking on the project collection name and selecting Add Project.

Remove Project

Once a project is created, you can remove a project from the project collection by right-clicking on the project name and selecting Remove Project.

Add a Process

Once a project is created, you can add a process to the project by right-clicking on the project and selecting Add Process.

Remove a Process

Remove a process from a project by right-clicking on the project and selecting Remove Process.

Analyze AgilePart

Once a project is created, you can analyze AgileParts for a Process Model by right-clicking on a project and selecting Analyze AgilePart. If an AgilePart has been unintentionally removed, this function will allow you to get all AgileParts associated with the Process Model.

Add AgilePart Assembly

Once a project is created, you can add an AgilePart assembly for a Process Model by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Add AgilePart Assembly.

Exclude AgilePart Assembly

Once a project is created, you can remove an AgilePart assembly for a Process Model by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Exclude AgilePart Assembly.

Analyze AgileWork

Once a project is created, you can analyze AgileWorks for a Process Model by right-clicking on a project and selecting Analyze AgileWork. If an AgileWork has been unintentionally removed, this function will allow you to get all AgileWorks associated with the Process Model.

Add AgileWork Assembly

Once a project is created, you can add an AgileWork assembly for a Process Model by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Add AgileWork Assembly.

Exclude AgileWork Assembly

Once a project is created, you can remove an AgileWork assembly for a Process Model by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Exclude AgileWork Assembly.

Analyze Dependency

Once a project is created, you can analyze dependencies for an assembly by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Analyze Dependency. If a dependency has been unintentionally removed, this function will allow you to get all dependencies associated with the assembly.

Add Dependency Assembly

Once a project is created, you can add a dependency assembly for an assembly by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Add Dependency Assembly.

Exclude Dependency Assembly

Once a project is created, you can remove an dependency assembly for an assembly by right-clicking on an assembly and selecting Exclude Dependency Assembly.