Migrating a Process Model and Associated Dependencies

The following provides instructions for migrating a Process Model and associated dependencies from one AgilePoint Server to another.

To migrate a Process Model and the associated dependencies:

In this example, the Document Approval Process Model and associated dependencies will be migrated from the AgilePoint Server on the Dimension4700-01machine to the AgilePoint Server on the ibmt61-005 machine. 

  1. Right-click on the AgilePoint Server host machine name that contains the Process Model and dependencies for which you would like to export.
  2. Click the Import Export button. The Export & Import Process Definition Wizard appears.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select the application type(s) (ASP.NET or SPSIntegration).
  5. Select the Process Template(s).
  6. Click Next. The system automatically selects all the dependencies for the Process Templates.
  7. Click Next. The list of Process Templates appears.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select the target machine where AgilePoint Server is installed.
  10. Click Next. The system moves the Process Template and associated dependencies to the target AgilePoint Server.
  11. Click Finish.