Log Files

The Active Directory Synchronization module provides two type of logging mechanisms. For each synchronization occurrence, the time and status will be logged in the netflow.log file. The netflow.cfg file can be found under AgilePointServer\log folder.

The following is an example of a log message in the netflow.log file:

3/2/2005 9:23:39 AM >>> Active Directory group
    synchronizer started.
3/2/2005 9:23:39 AM >>> Configuration: every Day at 19 O'clock,
    register user automatically=True 

Besides the netflow.log file, the Active Directory synchronization module also writes log messages to the ActiveDirectorySynchronizer.log file. The ActiveDirectorySynchronizer.log file can also be found under AgilePointServer\log folder. This log file contains detail information about each synchronization such as the status of each group, or what users were unable to be registered to AgilePoint.

The following is an example of the log message in the ActiveDirectorySynchronizer.log file:

3/1/2005 5:51:49 PM>> Synchronization has started to
    perform on 3/1/2005 5:51:47 PM
Synchronizing Group 'kTest2', Active Directory Path=
Registering user 'ASTN\Test1' to AgilePoint. User full name:
    Test1, department:

******************** EXCEPTION MESSAGE ********************
Please check Active Directory access right, Failed to register
    the  user because both the username and the email address
    cannot be empty.