Enabling the DataService AgileConnector

To enable the AgilePoint Server extension:

  1. Open the AgilePoint Server Configuration utility and go to the Extension window.
  2. Click the Add button.
  3. Click the Ellipses button on the Extension window and add the following assembly:
  4. Give the AgileConnector a unique name based on the Application for which it will be associated.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click the Configure button and configure the Data Service with the following parameters:
    • Application Filter - For InfoPath applications, enter SPSIntegration. For ASP.NET applications, enter the value of the Application property in your process model.
    • Connection String - A connection string that points to a valid database that contains the Temporary tracking table for the Data Services. Example: Server=;Database=AgilePointTracking;Trusted_Connection=Yes
  7. Click OK.