Configuring the Email Approval AgileConnector

To configure the Email Approval AgileConnector, do the following.

  1. To open the AgilePoint Server Configuration Utility, click Start > All Programs > AgilePoint > AgilePoint Server Configuration.
  2. On the AgilePoint Configuration window, click the Extension tab.
  3. In the list on the left, click MailApproval, and then click Configure.
  4. On the Mail Approve Processor dialog box, complete the following information, depending upon whether you are configuring Email approvals for POP3, IMAP, or Exchange:
    • E-mail Service – The type of email connection service you want to use.
    • MS Exchange Server URL - (Exchange Only) https://[ExchangeServerMachineName]:[Port]/
    • POP3 Server - (POP3 Only) Name or IP address of the POP3 server.
    • POP3 Port - (POP3 Only) POP 3 Port. The default is 110.
    • IMAP4 Server - (IMAP Only) Name or IP address of the POP3 server.
    • IMAP4 Port - (IMAP Only) POP 3 Port. The default is 110.
    • SSL  Connection -  (POP3 or IMAP Only) Specifies that you require an SSL connection to the POP3 server.
    • Login - The username for the mailbox containing the email-based approvals.
    • Password - The password for the mailbox.
    • Sleep Timer - Time between each P3 access in minutes.
    • Delete incorrect approval emails - (Exchange Only) Specifies that invalid or ill-formatted emails will be deleted from the mailbox. Mails that are processed correctly are automatically deleted from the server.
    • Information Level - Saves information about the details of the processing in the AgilePoint Server log file.
    • Debug Level - Saves debugging information about the processing of the emails in the AgilePoint Server log file.
  5. When you have finished, click Save.