Backing up a Process Model and Associated Dependencies

The Backup function allows for Process Models and associated dependencies on an AgilePoint Server to be backed up into a package file. The process definition will be saved as an XML file, and the associated dependencies will be copied from GAC. After all items are gathered, a package file (.odp) will be created and saved to the location specified. The package file can then be restored in a recovery scenario.

To backup a process model and associated dependencies:

  1. From the AgilePoint Explorer tab, select the AgilePoint Server for which you would like to backup a Process Model and associated dependencies from and click the Backup button on the toolbar. The Backup Process Definition Wizard appears.
  2. Click Next.
  3. Select the Application(s) type(s) for which to backup and click Next.
  4. Select the Process Model(s) and click Next.
  5. Select the AgileParts and AgileWorks for which to backup and click Next.
  6. Type the file path of browse and select the folder location for which to save the package file and click Next.
  7. Once the backup has been completed successfully, click Finish. The package file is saved to the folder specified as an .odp package file that can then be later restored as needed.