MSWFRuntime AgileConnector

This AgilePoint Server extension (AgileConnector) allows you to enable AgilePoint Server to host and execute Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation activities at run time. AgilePoint provides the Sequential Workflow AgilePart that can be initiated from an AgilePoint process as a sub-process to facilitate the data-exchange between AgilePoint and Windows Workflow Foundation. The Sequential Workflow AgilePart can be customized by leveraging this AgileConnector for Windows Workflow Foundation.

This AgileConnector is implemented as a class named Ascentn.AgileConnector.MSWFRuntime in the Ascentn.AgileConnector.MSWFRuntime assembly. The assembly is located by default in the ...\AgilePointServer\bin\ folder under your AgilePoint Server installation location.

Once you have enabled and configured the AgileConnector from the AgilePoint Server Configuration utility's Extensions window (as shown below), then you can create AgilePoint workflow applications that execute Windows Workflow Foundation activities and workflow applications.