Configuring iNet BPS

The iNetServer component of ERP Link must be installed on one of the machines in the network. Once the iNetServer components are installed, the connections to SAP systems are configured using the Connection Server Console.

See the document iNetConnectorAdminGuide.chm for details regarding setting up connection pools and other components. This help file is included with the ERP-Link software.

To configure the iNET BPS:

  1. Click Start > All Programs > iNetServer > Administration Console.
  2. On the iNet Connection Server window, complete the following fields:
    Field Name Definition
    Connection Pool

    Identifies the connection pool for the SAP system.

    The first time you set up the SAP AgileConnector, you must select one of the "unconfigured" default connection pools, and then configure it to meet your needs.


    A free text description of the connection pool.

    Destination String
    • ASHOST - IP address or host name of the SAP server.
    • SYSNR - The system number the SAP server.
    Connection mode

    Determines the manner in which AgilePoint connects to SAP. Select Shared & anonymous.


    The SAP client number.


    The SAP user name.


    The SAP password.


    The language abbreviation for your SAP language. The default value is EN.

    Pool size
    • Max - 10
    • Min - 1
  3. Click Validate.

    A "Validation succeeded" message displays in the bottom field, and the System field auto-populates.

  4. Click Save.
  5. On the pop-up, click Yes to restart the SAP connection service.
  6. Once the status field shows the "restarted" message, click Exit.