Fixes for AgilePoint Server

The following issues have been fixed in this release for AgilePoint Server.

FIX 03.0001

If you use XML special characters in an email address in the AgilePoint Server Configuration tool, it is not saving correctly in netflow.cfg.

FIX 03.0002

When you call the API method CancelWorkItem when a Delay shape is in progress, an exception is thrown.

This issue has been fixed so that no exception occurs.

FIX 03.0003

Language and typographical errors appear in the configuration string for the Active Directory AgileConnector.

FIX 03.0004

If a Sub Process is not found when it is referenced from a parent process, the error does not trigger a notification.

This issue has been fixed so that the proper notifications are sent.

FIX 03.0005

AgilePartDeployment.exe does not support Windows Service. AgilePartDeployment.exe now supports a single Windows Service instance.

FIX 03.0006

The Email Approval AgileConnector does not work on a POP3 server if an email contains a signature with images.

FIX 03.0007

The Email Approval AgileConnector generates temporary files in the Windows folder.

FIX 03.0008

In the Email Approval AgileConnector, if you are using special characters in the Remarks field, an exception is thrown.

With this fix, the following special characters can be used in this field: . ( ) ' [ ] ? | * \ +.

FIX 03.0009

If a participant becomes unregistered from AgilePoint's user list, all pending email notifications where that participant is on the recipients list fail.

This issue has been fixed so that all other participants receive the email notification.

FIX 03.0010

When retrieving archived process data from the archive database, custom attributes are not retrieved.

FIX 03.0011

The ADSyncModule AgileConnector does not synchronize groups that have users with front slashes (/) in their full names. AgilePoint throws an error "ERROR MESSAGE: Unknown error (0x80005000)".

A fix has been added to handle the front slash (/) character so this error does not occur.

FIX 03.0012

CustomAttributesTrackingEvent is not published the API method RemoveCustomAttr is called.

FIX 03.0013

When using the ContentListener AgileConnector on a site that is under the site's managed path, the process template is empty.

FIX 03.0014

After upgrading to AgilePoint v5.0 SP1, when the C# Snippet AgileShape invokes a call to api.RemoveCustAttrs(), the following error occurs: "Failed to publish CustomAttributesTrackingEvent, event={0}, before={1}, after={2}, exception={3}."

FIX 03.0015

In some environments, the AgilePoint Server Configuration Utility takes up to 20 minutes to complete its update after clicking OK to save the configuration. Each time the AgilePoint Server configuration is saved, the system performs a database configuration check. The long delay is occurring because the database validation tries to change the data type of PARAMS_XML in the WF_EVENTS table to ntext, regardless of its current data type. When WF_EVENTS has a lot of data, this operation takes a long time to complete.

With this fix, the system checks the data type of PARAMS_XML before attempting to change it. If the data type is already ntext, there is no attempt to change it. This shortens the time required for the database checks when the server configuration is saved.