Fixes for AgilePoint Envision

The following issues have been fixed in this release for AgilePoint Envision.

FIX 01.0001

The Word Creator AgilePart creates an evaluation copy of Word and PDF documents with a label that says, "Evaluation Only: Created with Aspose.Words. Copyright 2003-2009 Aspose Pty Ltd."

FIX 01.0002

When operations included input parameters of type Short, Long, or Int, the WCF AgilePart is not working (supplying output).

FIX 01.0003

The DateTime AgilePart is throwing a "Specified cast was not valid" exception when calculating the difference between 2 dates.

FIX 01.0004

In the Dynamic Group AgileShape, if instead of entering the group or role name you use the $GROUP() or $ROLE() macro, it does not resolve the group or role names.

FIX 01.0005

In the Dynamic Group AgileWork shape, if more than one participant is entered, then at runtime when a user clicks Take Assignment or Take Assignment and Open View, the task is not assigned to the user.

FIX 01.0006

In a Generic Email AgileShape, if no email template is selected, no validation is performed.

FIX 01.0007

The C# Code Snippet AgileShape does not include the System.Linq namespace by default.

FIX 01.0008

The Cancel Task AgileShape remains Active, even if all the tasks have been canceled.

FIX 01.0009

If a process template is saved as XML from Enterprise Manager and was then imported into Envision, and the process template includes a WSE or WCF AgileShape, the configuration dialog boxes for these AgileShapes throw exceptions.

FIX 01.0010

On the Manage Process Attributes configuration dialog box, the Enter keyboard shortcut was invoking Cancel, instead of OK.

FIX 01.0011

When you set the WCF and CAML Query AgileShape's properties (input/output mapping), and then later delete unrelated nodes of the XML schema (nodes not part of the WCF mapping), the WCF AgileShape keeps a cache of the old XML schema which includes the deleted nodes.

FIX 01.0012

In some cases, Advanced mode in Data Population is throwing the following errors: "The given key was not present in the dictionary," and "Root element is missing."

FIX 01.0013

Tooltip text for the Exchange AgileParts is not available for localization.

FIX 01.0014

Japanese and Chinese characters are not displaying in PDFs generated through the Word and PDF AgileParts.

FIX 01.0015

The SharePoint Update Metadata shape loses configured column values if the SharePoint URL is changed.

FIX 01.0016

Using the ampersand (&) in the CAML Query AgileShape is causing exceptions.

FIX 01.0017

It is mandatory to map all the input and output nodes in the WCF AgilePart, which means you cannot pass null values.

With this fix AgilePoint ignores unmapped nodes.

FIX 01.0018

A ListForm AgileShape can only been used on a ListForm project template. Validation for this behavior was previously missing, but it has now been added.

FIX 01.0019

Timers for the SLA AgileExtender are being cleared after IIS reset.

FIX 01.0020

The Update Custom Attribute AgileShape throws an exception when an underscore is the first character in the attribute name.

FIX 01.0021

In the CAML Query AgilePart, if you replaces the Site URL with a custom attribute, it throws a validation error.

FIX 01.0022

On the Update Meta Data AgileShape, when the Cancel button was clicked, the required field validations were being triggered.

FIX 01.0023

When publishing a process template in Envision, the option "Logon as current user" is now the default.

FIX 01.0024

For a generic process template saved on the root folder of an Envision machine, the WorkToPerform property is throwing an exception.

FIX 01.0025

In the CAML Query AgilePart, if we replace the site URL with a custom attribute before publishing a process model things work fine, but when we try to open it in edit mode it tries to connect to SharePoint. Because the custom attribute is not a URL, it throws a validation error, so validation is bypassed when we use a custom attribute.

FIX 01.0026

If you drag one SAP AgileShape onto a process model, all subsequent SAP AgileShapes you add to the process model convert to the first type of SAP AgileShape you added.

For example, if you added a Begin SAP Transaction AgileShape to the model, and then you attempted to add a Call SAP Function AgileShape, as soon as it was dropped on the Process Model canvas, the Call SAP Function AgileShape would revert to a Begin SAP Transaction AgileShape.

FIX 01.0027

For the Data Tracking feature for SPList and SPDoc process templates, on the Attributes Tracking Dialog, the lists that appear on the Attributes to be tracked box now sort in alphabetical order.

FIX 01.0028

In the configuration window for the DateTime AgilePart, when Convert the Input to a Different Output Format is selected, the following error occurs: "Operation Format field must be entered on shape 'Date Time Operation'"

FIX 01.0029

The Word AgilePart does not work for Boolean fields that use the values Yes/No, instead of True/False. This often happens when using AgileForms, where Boolean values are stored as Yes/No.

FIX 01.0030

If shared custom attributes were changed, the changes were not reflected in the running process instances if the processes included a Custom Attribute AgileShape.

FIX 01.0031

In the PDF Converter AgileShape, the Debug property was not capturing the values of configured properties in the log file.