Create a CSM Lock Database for Shrink Logs in NLB Environments

AgilePoint Clustering Server Manager (CSM) uses a lock table in the AgilePoint database to manage multiple CSM instances in an NLB environment. When an attempt is made to shrink the log database, the shrink is blocked because of the database lock.

To address this issue, AgilePoint has been enhanced to support a separate database for the CSM lock. To use this feature:

  1. Create a new database for the CSM lock.
  2. Stop CSM.
  3. Append (separated by a comma) the connection string for the new database to your existing database connection string for CSM.

    This database string is located in one of the following locations:

    • The database entry in Windows registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Ascentn\Cluster
    • app.config

    In either case, use the following guideline:

    • Old value - [AgilePoint database connection string]
    • New Value - [AgilePoint database connection string],[CSM lock database connection string]
  4. Start CSM.

Note the following regarding the CSM lock database: