Granting Database Access for Kerberos

To grant the remote database access privileges to a Domain account using the SetSPN utility, do the following.




  1. Set a fully qualified domain name, friendly name, and DNS name on the AgilePoint Server machine so that any client can access it:
    1. To set the fully qualified domain name, execute the SetSPN command using the following syntax:
      setspn –a http/ domain\username

      Be sure to include the Domain Name in the command prompt: The machinename refers to the AgilePoint Server machine name.

    2. To set the friendly name, execute the setspn command using the following syntax:
      setspn –a http/machinename domain\username

      If you are unable to access the AgilePoint Server Web service pages from a machine other than the machine where AgilePoint Server is installed (e.g. Client or SharePoint machine). You should follow step a.

    3. To set the DNS Name or Alias used to abstract the physical hardware execute the setspn command using the following syntax:
      setspn –a http/dns domain\username
    4. Verify whether this has been properly set by running the following command:
      setspn –l domain\username

      The result should list http/