Creating a Web Site in IIS

To set up a new IIS Web site, do the following.



  1. Create a physical folder on your local drive - for example, c:\AgilePointServer.

    The folder you create should not be located underneath or inside of the folder your SharePoint Web site is installed in. (The default location of the SharePoint site is usually c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\, so you should pick a different location for your new site's folder).

  2. Go to the IIS Manager and create a new Web site.
  3. Type a Site name of the Web site - for example, AgilePointServer. A new Application Pool is created along with the web site.
  4. In the Physical Path field, browse and select the path to the AgilePoint Server physical folder.
  5. In the Port field, specify a unique port number (this must be different than the port number used by SharePoint, which defaults to 80. It must also be different from any other port numbers used for Web sites in IIS). It is recommended to use a port number that consists of a 4 digits.
  6. If necessary, specify a Host Header name.
  7. Ensure the Start Web site immediately check box is checked and click OK.

    The next step will be to configure the AgilePointServer IIS Application Pool.

  8. In IIS Manager, click the Application Pool node.
  9. Right-click on the AgilePointServer Application Pool and click Advanced Settings.
  10. On the Advanced Settings window, ensure the following settings:
    • Idle Time-out (minutes) - 0.
    • Maximum Worker Processes - 1.

      The application pool you select must not be configured as a Web garden. In other words, the number of worker processes assigned to the application pool should not be greater than 1.

    • Identity - AgilePoint Server account credentials.
  11. You can test the settings by right-clicking on the Web site > Basic Settings > Test Settings. This step verifies that the AgilePoint Server Service Account can access the physical folder.
  12. Click the AgilePoint web site, and click Authentication.
  13. Click Anonymous Authentication and click Disable.