Setting Up Local Account Groups

Do the following to add the AgilePoint Service User Account to the local machine's Administrators, IIS_IUSRS, Administrators, and Performance Monitor Users groups.

Once you have completed this procedure, the AgilePoint Service User Account is added to the Administrators group so that AgilePoint Server is able to write log files and access the registry. If adding this user to the Administrators group is not desirable, the Windows account must have at least the following configuration:



  1. In the Server Manager, click Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Groups.


  1. Right-click on the IIS_IUSRS group and click Add to Group.
  2. Click Add and type the Service Account name (e.g. APServerServiceAccount).
  3. Click OK.

    If the AgilePoint Service Account is not added to the IISIUSRS_ group, you will not be able to browse the Web service pages and work with ASP.NET.

  4. Repeat the above steps for the Administrators and Performance Monitor Users groups.