(Windows Server 2003) Creating a New IIS Web Site for use by AgilePoint Server

If SharePoint is installed locally, then you will need to create a separate "site" under Microsoft IIS. This is necessary because SharePoint does not allow port sharing with other Web applications.

Instructions from Microsoft on how to create a new site in IIS can also be found here: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/b6aadfeb-f09a-4f01-bde1-04b89925fd8a.mspx



To set up a new IIS Web site:

  1. Create a physical folder on your local drive (E.g. c:\AgilePointServer).

    The folder you create should not be located underneath or inside of the folder your SharePoint Web site is installed in.  (The default location of the SharePoint site is usually c:\Inetpub\wwwroot\, so you should pick a different location for your new site's folder).

  2. Go to the IIS Manager and create a new Web site.
  3. Type a description (name) of the Web site (E.g. AgilePointServer) and click Next.
  4. Select [All Unassigned] to use an unassigned IP addresses.
  5. Specify a unique port number (this must be different than the port number used by SharePoint, which defaults to 80. It must also be different from any other port numbers used for Web sites in IIS). It is recommended to use a port number that consists of 4 digits.
  6. If necessary, specify a Host Header name and click Next.
  7. Select the folder path you created above as the path for this Web site.
  8. Ensure the Allow anonymous access to this Web site check box is not checked.
  9. Ensure Windows Authentication is checked, and click Next.
  10. Specify the Web site access permissions for your users. To ensure proper Web site access permissions for AgilePoint Server, select Read, Run Scripts, and Execute. For more information see the following articles:
  11. Click Next
  12. Click Finish.